The intent of the Joint Commission requirement M.S.11.01.01is consistent in many aspects with the mission of DocExecutive, which is to assist physicians with health concerns and therefore provide protections to patients. In this regard, Joint Commission requires medical staff and organization leaders to design a process that provides education about physician health; addresses prevention of physical, psychiatric, or emotional illness; and facilitates confidential diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of physicians from a potentially impairing condition.
Design & Implement Tailored Provider Wellness Programs.
DocExecutive has built a network of specialized counselors who will provide a comprehensive slate of mental health services for providers employed by hospitals or healthcare services.
The Provider Wellness Program is designed to be a program, consistent with Joint Commission standards that require healthcare facilities to offer programs in support of their medical staff members. Tailored to your hospital’s specific size, and willingness to formalize a confidential support program for your medical staff, DocExecutive constructs and provides the network of mental health professionals to deliver the support in your area.
Some of the issues commonly seen by DocExecutive include, but not limited to:
Stress (job related as well as life issues)
Personal issues (relationships, financial concerns, family)
Professional distress/misalignment of person with career choice
Disruptive behaviors
Emotional disequilibrium/imbalance
Impulse control
Mental health concerns
Chronic and acute maladaptive behaviors
Joint Commission Requirement - MS.11.01.01
Since January 1, 2001, the Joint Commission requires that hospital organizations have their medical staff implement a process to identify and manage matters of individual licensed independent practitioner (LIP), which is separate from actions taken for disciplinary purposes.
The intent of the Joint Commission requirement is to assist physicians and other LIPs with health concerns and therefore provide protections to patients.
In this regard, Joint Commission requires medical staff and organization leaders to:
Design a process that provides education about LIP health;
Addresses prevention of physical, psychiatric, or emotional illness;
Facilitates confidential diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of LIPs who suffer a potentially impairing condition
As the Joint Commission provides, the purpose of the process is to facilitate rehabilitation, rather than discipline, by assisting a practitioner to retain and or regain optimal professional functioning that is consistent with protection of patients. If at any time during the diagnosis, treatment, or rehabilitation phase of the process it is determined that a practitioner is unable to safely perform the privileges he or she has been granted, the matter is forwarded for appropriate corrective action that includes strict adherence to any state or federally mandated reporting requirements.
The process design should include:
Education of LIPs and other organization staff about illness and impairment recognition issues specific to LIPs;
Self-referral by an LIP;
Referral by others and maintaining informant confidentiality;
Referral of the affected LIP to the appropriate professional internal or external resources for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of the condition or concern;
Maintenance of confidentiality of the LIP seeking referral or referred for assistance, except as limited by applicable law, ethical obligation, or when the safety of a patient is threatened;
Evaluation of the credibility of a complaint, allegation or concern;
Monitoring of the LIP and the safety of patients until the rehabilitation is complete and periodically thereafter, if required;
Reporting to the organized medical staff leadership instances in which an LIP is providing unsafe treatment.