DocExecutive Leadership Training
As the numbers of women in medicine approach equal numbers to the men who have dominated medicine for centuries, the need for understanding how to navigate the political structure where critical decisions are made becomes a priority for women in medicine who wish to aspire to or have landed positions of power. This course is designed to support women physicians whose journeys now include positions that manage the course of medical delivery. This course focuses on the core competencies that are essential to leaders and combines the multiple roles in career and personal life that are integral parts of female physicians.
DocExecutive offers a 5 part series, entitled “Leadership Building for Women in Medicine” for 12 CME credits. This 5 part series is designed to provide a private, comfortable, collaborative and stress free environment in which to explore the specific challenges that women find themselves in by being a physician/surgeon and balancing one’s personal life. Participants will leave with effective tools for readjusting their expectations to match their challenges and with personal action plans for taking back control of those things within their grasp.
Objectives for the program:
* Assessing one’s expectations for self
* Identifying where misalignments of self with the environment exist
* Expanding one’s sense of self
* Managing one’s self
* Building confidence as a leader
* Learning to manage others with grace and intention
* Building a brand identity
- Core values
- Priorities
- What drives you
- Non-negotiables
- Philosophy
- Choosing behaviors to change
- Capitalizing on behaviors that nourish
- Changing responses to certain stimuli
- Defining your personal brand
Building Confidence in a Hostile World
- Overcoming your own inner critic
- Separating work issues vs. personal agendas (theirs and yours)
- Setting healthy boundaries (personally & professionally)
- Being unwilling to get entangled with other agendas
Other Awareness & Management
- Assessing the audience
- Reading the room
- Using compassion and understanding to acknowledge differences
- Treating others with respectful behaviors and language
- Using a partnering mindset
Leadership philosophy awareness and brand identity
- What do you truly believe motivates others
- Who do you want to be as a leader in medicine
- What would you like people to say about your leadership style
- Holding yourself accountable to your philosophy in the face of contrasting styles
Assessing your organization’s culture, including subcultures
- Reality checks on non-negotiable standards
- Informal leadership
- Espoused vs. applied organizational standards/philosophy
- Working within the culture
- Subculture identity
- Recognizing the power of the top down organization
At the conclusion, each participant can opt to be scheduled for 2 hour of professional counseling.