Rx for Healthcare Providers
DocExecutive offers critical support to all who provide healthcare, and who experience stress and imbalance in their lives as a result.
Thank you for all you do!
What We Do.
DocExecutive supports healthcare leaders, both administrative & clinical, medical practices, and individual providers whose role it is to deliver best practice healthcare.
Individualized counseling for medical professionals.
Assessment & mediation for troubled medical practices.
Design & implement tailored Provider Wellness Programs. The intent of the Joint Commission requirement MS.11.01.01 is consistent in many aspects with the mission of DocExecutive, which is to assist physicians with health concerns and therefore provide protections to patients. In this regard, Joint Commission requires medical staff and organization leaders to design a process that provides education about physician health; addresses prevention of physical, psychiatric, or emotional illness; and facilitates confidential diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of physicians from a potentially impairing condition.